Frequently Asked Questions

How to start cooperation?

Prosimy o kontakt z naszymi przedstawicielami w celu umówienia spotkania, numery telefonów udostępnione są w zakładce “Kontakt”.
Nasz przedstawiciel podczas spotkania omówi wszelkie warunki współpracy.
Można również zadzwonić do siedziby naszej firmy w Poznaniu, tel. (61) 665 79 60 lub wysłać mail na adres:, zostawić swoje dane i poprosić o kontakt.

Is my farm suitable?

Agri Plus opts for farms that are functional and meet the welfare requirements. During the first visit, our representative will help you determine what preparatory works need to be done and what can significantly facilitate poultry farming.

What is the minimum number of animals I can breed at a time?

Already 1000 m² of usable area on a poultry farm is enough to start cooperation with Agri Plus.

For how long are farmer finishing contracts concluded?

The minimum period of cooperation with Agri Plus is 1 year. If, for some reason, the grower needs a contract for a longer period, because it is related, for example, to the construction of a new farm and its financing for 10 or 15 years, the contract period may be extended.

Does it make sense to modernize a livestock facility in order to convert it into a chicken coop?

We know many positive examples of successful conversions of livestock buildings previously used for other animal species. The renovation plan is best agreed with our representative. We will advise you on how to spend your money optimally to get the best effect and we will contact suppliers of specialized equipment.

I am a flat-rate grower, can I establish cooperation with Agri Plus?

Cooperation with Agri Plus can be carried out by both VAT payers and so-called farmers. lump sum. Unfortunately, unfavorable tax regulations mean that flat-rate farmers lose part of their income from fattening. We encourage you to switch to VAT.

Can I keep other animals?

Due to the high risk of poultry diseases and the ease of their transmission, there is no such possibility – this applies to both commercial and non-commercial poultry farming. This problem only applies to poultry – we do not mind breeding animals of other species.
The lack of parallel poultry farming minimizes the risk of contamination on the farm, allows us to select a uniform flock and appropriate vaccinations for the entire farm, as well as maintain proper biosecurity on the farm – especially important in the era of bird flu – an extremely infectious and contagious viral disease of poultry. We encourage you to conscious biosecurity and follow the guidelines of the Chief Veterinary Inspectorate – this is our common good.